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Landmark Fine Levied against SSE over Mis-selling Energy Contracts

In a case that stemmed from events between 30 September, 2008 and 6 July, 2009, SSE was found guilty by jury of mis selling energy contracts through door to door campaigns. This was the first ever of its kind successfully prosecuted against any of the ‘big six’ and there may be more to follow. Misleading Tactics of Door to Door Sales At the centre of the case was the fact that door to door sales personnel were using pre-written and altogether too complex scripts which led consumers to believe that they were paying more than they should for electricity and gas. These agents were direct representatives of the company and

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Clerical Error by E.ON Causes Business Panic

Although the Climate Change Levy (CCL) is nothing new to businesses in the UK, the amount one company notified its customers would be added to their bills was a bit of a shock, to say the least. According to business customers of E.ON, they received a letter stating that from 1 April they had a surcharge of £5.09 per kWh of electricity used, which is the equivalent to approximately boiling a teakettle ten times over. In addition, they would also be charged an amount of £1.77 per kWh for gas and when all added up at the end of the year, those businesses would be paying government taxes totalling more

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Elster to Provide 300,000 Smart Meters to E.ON

Amidst mounting concerns over the security of smart meters, Elster has announced that it has secured the contract for providing as many as 300,000 smart meters to the UK energy company, E.ON. These will be dual-fuel meters that are intended to help consumers control the amount of energy being used. Elster: Global Giant in Metering Technology Because of Elster’s prominence in the metering technology market, it should come as no surprise that they beat out the competition for the contract from one of the UK’s “big six,” E.ON. Although the exact terms of the smart meter deal have not as yet been disclosed, Elster did announce that they had signed

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