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E.ON’s Billing Improvements to Benefit SMEs in the UK

Just as news hit the press that investors are becoming increasingly cautious about investing in alternative power technology due to ‘fuel poverty’ in a stagnant economy, E.ON announced plans to benefit SMEs in the UK. Much of their strategy lies in the way businesses will be billed to avoid backdating three-year bills, but this is just the beginning of how the energy supplier intends to assist businesses in their plight to keep up with the rising costs of electricity and gas. Too Much Leeway is Not Always Good In the past, major suppliers had been giving a bit too much leeway in back payments and this caused a great number

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Amidst Lower Pricing Consumers Still Paying More for Energy

Perhaps the rollout of the new smart meters will enable consumers to save money on energy usage, but even reduced prices have shown that households and businesses still spent more on energy this winter than in the previous year. Oddly, this was despite the winter being milder than any within the past ten years and an overall decrease in the amount of energy consumed. Consumer Focus Explains Higher Bills According to the consumer group, Consumer Focus, the higher energy bills were the result of cuts offered by the ‘big six’ midway through the winter. Although their data pertains largely to households, it is evident that businesses suffered the consequences of

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Looking to the Future Cost and Supply of Electricity

New data was just released by the global consultancy, PwC, in which there are interlocking concerns for the future of electricity throughout Europe and the entire world, for that matter. Because there is an ever increasing demand without the capacity to produce more electricity, prices are skyrocketing and the problem is forecast to worsen if serious changes aren’t instituted quickly. At the heart of concerns expressed by PwC are governments’ policies and financing in regards to increased/improved generation of power. Increasing Demand The survey conducted by PwC forecasts that there will be at least an 84% increase in the amount of electricity consumed within the next quarter century. Their findings

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Guardian blog forecasts UK energy crisis before the end of the decade

In the recent past, Government has published a draft of the electricity market reform bill and they are soon expected to cut subsidies to onshore wind farms, perhaps by as much as 25%. These are fatal mistakes according to a post in The Guardian and mistakes that Britons will remember well when the energy crisis hits. The date they forecast as being the point of no return is said to happen sometime in the year 2018 when the UK will no longer be able to produce enough energy to supply the nation. According to the article, government is relying on investments totalling at least £110 billion that would be necessary to substitute

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